E2452 Lost RC Aircraft Beacon
The E2452 Lost RC Aircraft Beacon is a standalone lost RC aircraft beacon module which produces a loud beeping sound after a programmed time delay has elapsed or when triggered from a spare receiver channel. The programmed time delay varies between 1 to 72 times 20 minutes after being powered. This allows aircraft to be flown for regular flights before being reset unless the aircraft does not return in time such as due to a crash. Alternatively, the beeper can be enabled using a spare receiver channel prior to the time delay elapsing. Unlike other lost aircraft beepers, the E2452 module does not depend on a possibly non-functional receiver to power the beeper after a crash. The E2452 module instead uses a self-contained battery to sound a beeper for 1 second on and 10 seconds off to prolong battery life for over 24 hours while a search is in progress. A battery monitor beeps between one and five times to indicate battery strength. The modular form also minimizes the chance for damage after a crash. The beeper is very loud thus increasing the chances of recovering an aircraft in dense bush. The module can be attached and transferred to any aircraft.
E2452 Lost RC Aircraft Beacon DataSheet